I'll get John to photo it on me one of these days. I'm now designing a waistcoat. It's similar to the top but has drop shoulders, so no decreasing there, and a shawl collar, so no decreasing there either. (I believe). So it's actually easier. Only problem so far, I changed the measurements slightly as the apex of my bust is lower than I thought, and I now thing I've increased for bust too quickly. I don't want to frog it, so I'm pressing on, and hope the rib pattern will mean measurements don't have to be too accurate. (Pattern is a 12 row staggered rib - K2, P2 rib for 6 rows, then P2, K2 for the next 6 rows).
I have also taken up sewing again, after watching the Great British Sewing Bee. The last serious sewing I did was 3 bridesmaid dresses for M & F's wedding in 1994. The strain, arthritis and what I now recognise as poor lighting, put me off sewing for twenty years. However, I found the arthritis isn't a problem, and I have now made this top. Three more swatches of material lined up for more tops.
It's a bit tight across the bust, but that's deliberate. My new blue V-neck is tight too. I am just so determined to lose at least half a stone, and making too tight clothes is my incentive.